Army IgnitED 2.0 has not been launched yet for FY23 Credentialing Assistance (CA). If you register for a future class, we will provide you with the necessary quote for CA once it becomes available for FY23. Registering now will put you on the roster for the class you select, helping ensure you can attend the selected class date you are requesting.
Army IgnitED has recognized Lean Alaska as a premier virtual (LIVE) Lean Six Sigma Training provider and added Lean Alaska to the approved training provider list. All of us at Lean Alaska are beyond excited to be validated by this federal tuition assistance program! More importantly, we’re excited to be able to provide and guide soldiers through the process improvement path via ARMY IgnitED. Army Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) is a tuition assistance program that pays for vocational and professional training courses for soldiers.
What Does This Mean?Army soldiers can become Green Belt (LSSGB) or Black Belt (LSSBB) Certified at zero out of pocket cost. These certifications not only provide soldiers with the tools to benefit their units, it also prepares soldiers for entering the civilian workforce with process improvement experience. All of Lean Alaska certifications are approved by The Army Credentialing Assistance Program. As an added bonus, soldiers can also earn an Additional Skill Identifier (ASI, either 1W or 1Y). Lean Alaska's primary instructor is a Department of the Army certified Master Black Belt and can mentor a project to complete and facilitate submission to HQDA. All current Army requirements will have to be met to earn the ASI. Upon completion of training, the certificate can be added to the military education section of your ORB/ERB, and a validated project (equal to the level of training completed) will result in a verified project to earn your ASI.
How Do Soldiers Access These Benefits?To utilize Army IgnitED, we recommend service members review the ARMY IgnitED process guide. Once reviewed, search for the credential/license you would like to earn using the Credentialing Assistance Program, Full Credential Search by typing in Lean Alaska in the vendor selection. You can also find LEAN ALASKA by searching Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (ICGB) or Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (ICBB), then look for Lean Alaska as the vendor (Typing in ALASKA first will quickly generate Lean Alaska as a Vendor). Once you have located Lean Alaska and selected the Green Belt or Black Belt, follow the "Apply for CA" guidelines and submit to your respective Education Service Office (ESO).
Lean Alaska is always happy to assist and answer any questions. We also recommend you work closely with your ESO when applying for the Army Credentialing Assistance Program.
ARMY IGNITEDCredentialing Assistance (CA) is available on
- All CA Requests must be submitted directly through ArmyIgnitED. The CA Request does not get submitted through the Education Center or Office.
- Soldiers must submit CA Requests 45 days from the start date of the course or exam
- Soldiers have the option to request counseling from their Education Center or Office at any time prior to creating a CA Request
- If Soldier does not see the vendor of choice (for training, exam, books, materials, etc.) select “Don’t See a Related Vendor?”. An email will appear requesting specific information which the Soldiers must provide to ACCESS, ArmyU who in turn will contact the vendor to update ArmyIgnitED with the information
- It may take up to a few days prior to the start date of the course to receive approval email notifications from ACCESS, ArmyU
GREEN BELT REGISTRATION BLACK BELT REGISTRATIONHow To BeginStep 1: Enroll on Lean Alaska Website1. Go to the course registration page (menu on the left side of the screen)
2. Select you training program (Green Belt or Black Belt)
3. Register for training program (located at the bottom of the page)
4. Wait for email from the Lean Alaska Team with the
required PDF attachment and instructions.
Step 2: Create Educational Goal in Army Ignited (you will need your CAC card)1.
2. Click on get started
3. Click on Credentialing Assistance (accept notice)
4. Login using CAC card
5. On the menu (left side of screen) click Educational Programs
6. Click on Credentialing Assistance
7. Click on non-MOS related
8. Type ICBB in the “credential name” field and click view on the “certified Lean Six Sigma
Black (or Green) Belt
9. Click on “create educational goal”
10. Click next on “what educational goal will you be pursuing?” (make sure ICBB is listed)
11. Drag the quote (from the Lean Alaska email) in the field for “attach custom quote from
12. Click Submit,
step 2 complete. Average time for approval is less than 1 day.
Step 3: Create Funding Request in Army Ignited1. When you login, select your LSS training and create funding request, if this area is NOT
highlighted, you may need to update your profile (select the edit pencil next to your
name and edit)
2. Select funding request (it may also tell you that you need to complete the ignited
training. Select the training it shows and it will allow you to proceed to enrollment)
3. Type “Lean Alaska” in the vendor field (it will say Lean Alaska-Main Campus)
4. Add date range for training, select the first day it will allow (or 45 days from the present
date). Make the end date 1 year out (if you are retiring or ETS with-in the year. You will
have to put 30 days prior to your separation). For example, if you are signing up for a
class that starts 1 Feb but you will be separated on 15 Mar. your date range will be 1 Feb
to 14 Feb.
5. Click on “ADD TRAINING”
6. Click on “proceed with credentialing assistance request”
7. Click on “select” for Lean Six Sigma Black (or Green) Belt training
8. Click on “add training”
9. Click “next” to confirm
10. Click “submit”
11. Take screen shot and sent it to Lean Alaska to verify enrollment so they can add you to
MS Teams for your course
Questions? Send an EMAIL to